Friday, March 28, 2008

The Internet Is Broken!

Oh my god, I think I broke the internet!...oh, it still works.
However, the perl-based web form I was using for some reason decided to stop working. This means that all of you folks who have recently tried to send an appointment request using the online form will have recieved an error message, and your request most definately did not reach me.

This problem was pointed out to me a couple of days ago, but as to what the problem is I'm clueless. I've tried a couple of minor changes to the script, to no avail, and I'm afraid I don't have much time to devote to this issue for at least another week. Which means that the convenience of not even having to pick up the phone to get your bike(s) fixed is just going to have to wait. Meanwhile, if you can't wait for me to fix my website before you need to get your bike fixed, give me a call! (contact details are on the website).

If anybody out there knows how to debug perl scripts and wants to play the role of Good Samaritan, I'd love a hand with this. I will trade my labour for yours if you can get it working! Email me if you're interested & I'll give you more details.

As usual, thanks again for reading. Feedback is always welcomed and appreciated. Leave a comment, make a suggestion, and check out the website!
Don't forget to vote in the poll on the right hand side of the blog!

And if you feel so inclined, please click on the Google Ad links and see where they take you! You don't have to buy anything, just click through! I found a neat little chainless-drive bike in one of the ads!

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