Sunday, March 09, 2008

Snow on the ground, Weekly Feature

First "official" day of business : Snow.
Second "official" day of business: Snow.
We're off to a great start!

One of the things I had planned to do this year was to have a weekly special where I featured a service or product. It's probably going to be more work than I want to do, but it'll help to keep the website fresh and hopefully, drive customer interest up.

So here's the first special of the year. It's a fitting product considering the weather outside.


Innova Studded Tire
700c x 45mm
114 replaceable steel studs
$50.00 / pair (reg. $99.00/pr.)

Only one pair available, so the first interested person gets 'em!

So there you have it. My first special of the year!
As usual, feedback is always welcomed and appreciated. Thanks for reading, and check out the website!
Don't forget to click on the Google Ad links -every click counts!

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